
المديرية العامة للآثار و المتاحف
جامعة أبحاث ميلانو


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CERUTTI A., Preliminary data for the Brittle Ware from the new excavations in the south-west Quarter of Palmyra (Syria), in N. POULOU-PAPADIMITRIOU, E. NODAROU, V. KILIKOGLOU (eds.), LRCW4. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: a market without frontiers, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (Thessaloniki, 7th-10th April 2011), Oxford 2014, pp. 643-648.

DASZKIEWICZ M., An Archaeometric Study of Ceramic and Clay Samples from Palmyra, in Studia Palmyrenskie, IX, 1994, pp. 1-3.

INTAGLIATA E.E., The White Ware from Palmyra (Syria): preliminary data from the new excavations in the south-west Quarter, in N. POULOU-PAPADIMITRIOU, E. NODAROU, V. KILIKOGLOU (eds.), LRCW4. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. The Mediterranean: a market without frontiers, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (Thessaloniki, 7th-10th April 2011), Oxford 2014, pp. 649-655.

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KROGULSKA M., A lamp from the cella of the temple of Allat in Palmyra, in P. BIELINSKI, F.M. STEPNIOWSKI (éds.), Aux pays d'Allat. Mélanges offerts à Michal Gawlikowski, Warszawa 2005, pp. 123-129.

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Annexe 1: SCHNEIDER G., Chemical analysis by WD-XRF of 14 samples of amphorae from Palmyra, pp. 346-347.
Annexe 2: GARNIER N., Analyse d'un résidu organique d'amphore provenant du site de Palmyre, pp. 348-355.


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RAJA R., Staging "private" religion in Roman "public" Palmyra. The role of the religious dining tickets (banqueting tesserae), in C. ANDO, J. RÜPKE (eds.), Public and private in ancient Mediterranean Law and Religion. Historical and comparative studies, Berlin/Munich/Boston 2015, pp. 165-186.

RAJA R., Cultic dining and religious patterns in Palmyra. The case of the palmyrene banqueting tesserae, in S. FAUST, M. SEIFERT, L. ZIEMAR (hrgs.), Antike. Architektur. Geschichte. Festschrift für Inge Nielsen zum 65. Geburtstag (Gateways. Hamburger Beiträge zur Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des antiken Mittelmeerraumes 3), Aachen 2015, pp. 181-199.

SCHMIDT-COLINET A., Priester beim festmahl: Etpeni, Symposiarch 130/131 n. chr. und andere palmyrenische tesserae, in C. LIPPOLIS, S. DE MARTINO (a cura di), Un impaziente desiderio di scorrere il mondo. Studi in onore di Antonio Invernizzi per il suo settantesimo compleanno, Monografie di Mesopotamia, XIV, Firenze 2011, pp. 161-167.

SCHMIDT-COLINET A., AL-AS'AD K., A New Tessera from Palmyra. Questions of Iconography and Epigraphy, in E. CUSSINI (ed.), A journey to Palmyra. Collected Essays to Remember Delbert R. Hillers, Leiden 2005, pp. 166-180.


AL-AS'AD K., CHEHADE J., SCHMIDT-COLINET A., Die Textilien aus Palmyra, in A. SCHMIDT-COLINET (hrsg.), Palmyra. Kulturbegegnung im Grenzbereich, Mainz am Rhein 2005, pp. 64-66.

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